Article Processing Fee

IOARP provides excellent opportunities to the researchers for sharing and disseminating knowledge by publishing their high-quality articles in IOARP journals. Our unique model for journal websites promotes an active networking between researchers through IOARP BlogsTM and social media pages. Journal articles are made available through Open Access on the Global Digital LibraryTM which means that we do not charge our readers for accessing or downloading articles. Therefore, to cover the admin costs related to publishing, we charge a nominal fee from our Authors. Here is a summary of the Article Processing Fee.


Article Processing Fee*

 Article Processing Fee (Students)

 GBP 75

 Article Processing Fee (Professionals)

 GBP 100


* The fee covers the e-publishing costs only. Authors must pay the Article Processing Fee within 7 days of receiving the acceptance notification.  Paper review process needs a lot of effort and time on part of our reviewers and the admin staff. Authors repeatedly failing to publish papers with us after acceptance will be barred from submitting to future IOARP conferences and journals.     

 Ways to Pay

Some of the modes of payment include Debit Card, Credit Card, Paypal, UK Bank Transfers, International Bank Transfers, and payments into the bank accounts in other countries where our branch offices are located. Please contact or your relevant TPC Chair in case of any further queries with regards to payment options. 

Credit/Debit Card Payments 

Please select the Article Processing Fee in the IOARP Shop  section on To make a payment, Choose the journal, enter your details, and on the checkout, select Credit/Debit Card Payment as your payment method. 

 PayPal Payments

Please select the Article Processing Fee in the IOARP Shop section on Choose the journal, enter your details, and on the checkout, select PayPal as your payment method. 

 International Bank     Transfers

24 Holborn Viaduct, London, EC1A 2BN, United Kingdom
Account No: 
Payment Reference: Your Paper IES Number

 UK Citizens 

Account Title: IOARP LTD  
Bank: Lloyds Bank
Sort Code: *
Account Number: *
Payment Reference: Your Paper IES Number

 International Bank   Accounts

Payments could be made directly to the local bank accounts in other countries where our branch offices are located. Please contact us on for more information on this payment option. 

* Please email for this information.


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